
You’ll Never Believe What Ken Bone Did Now!

From rags to riches to pariah to chains; Ken Bone seems to have finally completed his meteoric rise and fall. Going from unknown fat man with poor fashion taste...

RWNN Interviews “The Real” Michael Scott

Much like the beloved Seinfeld character Kramer, there is a real Michael Scott. The now 68-year-old Ramon Becker was the regional manager for the Pennsylvania based company Disston Manufacturing...

Matt Damon’s Hidden Agenda will SHOCK YOU

If you’ve been watching TV lately then chances are you’ve seen the Stella Artois commercial featuring Hollywood elite Matt Damon. In the commercial Damon pleads with his fellow citizens...

Murder on the Dance Floor!

Just seventeen days into the new year Miami police are investigating the mysterious murders of thirteen underground dance club attendees. The first tragedy occurred at an unmarked warehouse at...

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